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FluffyBunnyFeet's profile on
VoiceBot Pro 3.7.2
Windows 10 Pro 1909 (10.0.18363)

Voicebot not working within/in-game Cyberpunk 2077
I made a complete profile for the new Cyberpunk 2077 game, but NONE of the commands work in-game (Cyberpunk 2077). I can see the commands are being properly recognized within Voicebot (the game is on monitor #1, and Voicebot is visible on monitor #2, so I can see in-game, that voicebot IS recognizing and attempting the scripted actions, but none of the keypresses are working as they should. (i.e. pressing ESC to pause/bring up the in-game options menu doesn't even work.)

I originally had the profile tied to the Cyberpunk2077.exe, but thought that was the issue, so I removed that association, but still it doesn't work. I DO see actions occurring within the Game, but nowhere near those that were scripted (e.g. pressing ESC, DOWN, ENTER, DOWN, and ENTER, results in the in-game character abruptly moving their point-of-view down and around, but the menu never comes up as it should). I even added a long-press for ESC, and added delays in there (although I have a very fast system, the delay between pressing the keys shouldn't be needed).

I have tried with the game being full-screen, windowed, and windowed borderless, all same results.

Please advise.


Dec 13, 2020 (modified Dec 13, 2020)  • #1
FluffyBunnyFeet's profile on
Any update on this? This isn't the only game I'm encountering this issue. The last 2 new games I purchased are having this issue as well.

Please advise.


Aug 24, 2022  • #2
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
In your email you mentioned Thunder Tier One, what's the other game? We'll see if we can get any of these for testing.

Aug 24, 2022  • #3
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