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VoiceBot Change Log

v3.9.6 • September 19, 2023

  • Note: This is the last version of VoiceBot that will install and run on Windows 7/8
  • Re-added the Macro column to the main window left-pane

v3.9.5 • September 5, 2023

  • Change: Removed the "General" column and added the "Actions" column to the left pane in the main window
  • Change: VoiceBot no longer pauses while the Settings window is open
  • Change: VoiceBot scripted macros can now use DisplayFusion scripting functions if DisplayFusion is installed and running
  • Change: Type Text action now has an option to control the speed

v3.9.4 • July 26, 2023

  • Fix: Resolved an issue where the speech handler was restarting too often
  • Fix: Resolved an issue with registry key name in settings backup

v3.9.3 • June 28, 2023

  • Change: Added the ability to copy macros from other profiles
  • Fix: The Add Recognizer button now opens the Windows Speech Settings on Windows 11
  • Fix: VoiceBot now correctly indicates the paused state when launched with the "Start Paused" setting enabled
  • Fix: Profile selection dialog for Change Profile action works correctly again

v3.9.2 • May 8, 2023

  • Fix: Start Paused option now works correctly again
  • Fix: Resolved some text rendering blurriness

v3.9.1 • May 1, 2023

  • Fix: Settings export fix
  • Fix: Taskbar button fix
  • Fix: BFS.VoiceBotActions.Delay scripting function fix

v3.9 • April 12, 2023

  • Change: Upgraded to .NET 7 (OS support is now Win 10 1607 and higher)
  • Change: Win 7, Win 8/8.1, and Win 10 versions lower than 1607 are no longer supported
  • Change: Added a dark theme for the UI
  • Fix: Resolved a display scaling issue
  • Fix: Fixed a memory leak
  • Fix: Resolved an issue with the mouse position selector in the "Move mouse absolute" action editor
  • Fix: Resolved an issue with the KeyHold toggle action
  • Fix: Stop Macros action now works again
  • Fix: Reduced startup time
  • Fix: Resolved an issue that caused timers to freeze sometimes
  • Fix: Macro toggle key now releases on second command correctly

v3.8.2 • January 4, 2022

  • Fix: Resolved an issue that prevented the default profile from loading automatically at startup

v3.8.1 • December 21, 2021

  • Fix: Resolved an issue with macro scripts that caused them to take too long to start-up

v3.8 • December 14, 2021

  • Change: Minor tweaks to the Settings window UI
  • Change: Performance and memory improvements

v3.7.2 • August 27, 2020

  • Fix: Default TTS voice now applies to scripts
  • Fix: Ignore commands during TTS option works correctly again

v3.7.1 • August 27, 2020

  • Fix: BFS.VoiceBotActions.Delay caused VoiceBot to crash

v3.7 • June 25, 2020

  • Change: New option to start VoiceBot minimized to the taskbar
  • Change: Macro lists are now filterable
  • Change: Profile lists are now filterable
  • Change: New advanced setting to restart the voice recognition engine on an interval
  • Change: New scripting function: KeyHoldDuration
  • Change: New scripting function: KeyHoldRepetition
  • Fix: Graphical glitch on action settings tab
  • Fix: BFS.Speech.TextToSpeech scripting function
  • Fix: The current profile no longer remains loaded after it is deleted

v3.6 • June 24, 2020

  • Added new action: Hold Key
  • Added scripting functions to get and set system volume
  • Added scripting functions to get and set system mute status
  • Added command testing buttons for global prefix and start/pause commands
  • Added option to play sound file or text-to-speech phrase when profiles are loaded
  • Added option to play sound file or text-to-speech phrase when VoiceBot starts or pauses listening
  • Added option to play sound file or text-to-speech phrase when commands are recognized
  • Added option to play sound file or text-to-speech phrase when commands are not recognized
  • Added customizable foreground/background colours for VoiceBot speech log
  • Added option to disable global macro syncing
  • Added buttons to view profile lists on VoiceBot website
  • Moved some notification settings to the new Settings Notifications tab
  • Key actions can now send Numpad Enter as a key
  • Macro actions can now be copied when multi-selected
  • Reduced the minimum hold duration for press and release key actions
  • Groups in the profile list are now collapsible
  • Profile edit window will ask for confirmation before discarding changes
  • Added some missing UI translations

v3.5.1 • July 11, 2019

  • Resolved an issue with the VoiceBot global start command
  • Improved logging of global start/stop commands

v3.5 • May 22, 2019

  • Added a "No acceleration" option to the Mouse Move action settings
  • The "only log matched commands" setting now applies when push-to-talk is configured
  • Resolved an issue where IsAppRunningByAppID scripting function always returned true
  • Resolved an issue where Press Key Right Shift was sending a generic Shift
  • Hotkeys for disabled macros will no longer be registered
  • Lowered CPU usage while listening for commands
  • Improved responsiveness with background audio present
  • Add Recognizer button in Profile edit window now opens the correct Windows 10 Settings page

v3.4 • October 23, 2018

  • Test run macro buttons to profile edit and macro edit windows
  • Hotkeys will now only be active if the current profile's associated program is active (if "only run macros on associated application" is set)
  • Built-in global macros will no longer sometimes reappear after being deleted
  • "Speech Setup" opens Windows settings correctly in newest versions of Windows 10

v3.3.2 • July 16, 2018

  • Syncing profiles after closing the Settings window is now done in the background
  • Settings window can no longer be opened twice in some situations

v3.3.1 • July 9, 2018

  • Profile push syncing improvements
  • Hotkeys now respect the "only run macros on associated application" setting
  • Working autocomplete for "IsMouseDown" scripting function
  • VoiceBot will now properly create all default global macros on a new install

v3.3 • February 8, 2018

  • New scripting function: "IsMacroRunning"
  • New scripting function: "StartListening"
  • New scripting function: "StopListening"
  • New scripting function: "StopMacros"
  • Profile push syncing improvements
  • Performance of macros run by hotkeys