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11 discussion posts
I am trying to have 1 macro to do this:


Hunt Cores
using System;
using System.Drawing;

public static class VoiceBotScript
    public static void Run(IntPtr windowHandle)
        // your code goes here
        BFS.VoiceBotActions.RunMacro(@"Hunting Boost");
            BFS.VoiceBotActions.RunMacro(@"Hunting Ping");

Hunting Boost
using System;
using System.Drawing;

public static class VoiceBotScript
    public static void Run(IntPtr windowHandle)
        //set the setting value to true
        BFS.ScriptSettings.WriteValueBool("Continue_Hunting_Cores", true);
        //while the value is true, play the system beep sound every second

Hunting Ping
using System;
using System.Drawing;

public static class VoiceBotScript
    public static void Run(IntPtr windowHandle)
        //set the setting value to true
        BFS.ScriptSettings.WriteValueBool("Continue_Hunting_Cores", true);
        //while the value is true, play the system beep sound every second

You can see from the original macro Hunting Boost and Hunting Ping that I tried to do both actions in one macro. This works but the Ping needs to be on a different timer, hence splitting it up in to 2 macros. Now I can run each macro individually and it works great, but I would rather get both actions on different timers in 1 macro. Whether that is 1 macro that can do both actions on separate timers and stop when the Boolean value is changed or whether it is 2 macros that is called by a 3rd I don't really care, I just want it to work, EASILY.

As much as I like VoiceBot I have started to wonder if I should have gone with Voice Attack. I have seen some streamers using it and they have no trouble with speech recognition, commands working as intended or multiple macros working at once.
Dec 30, 2020 (modified Dec 30, 2020)  • #1
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11 discussion posts
Yeah, so... In less time than it took me to force myself to write the above post after spending at least an hour trying to work it out, I just did what I wanted to do in Voice Attack. This says to me that either, your interface, functionality and capabilities are severely lacking or your ability to fund the creation of those features has ended. I really don't want to spend the money on yet another voice recognition software but honestly, I would rather do that than be continually frustrated.

Additionally I know a profile that is already prebuilt with a lot of the functions for the game I was working on this for. I really wish in this instance that I had gone with the crowd a long time ago.

For anyone thinking of buying this software, don't, go with voice attack.
Dec 30, 2020  • #2
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Sorry for the delayed response over here, the holiday rush has been crazy to say the least. Doing this as you mentioned in your post should have worked:


BFS.VoiceBotActions.RunMacro(@"Hunting Boost");
BFS.VoiceBotActions.RunMacro(@"Hunting Ping");

Did you get any errors when you tried to run that, or did they just not run?
Jan 6, 2021  • #3
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11 discussion posts
Did not run. No error messages.

Your software cannot run 2 macros concurrently from a third macro. It is a limitation of the software. I tried to do it from a macro that just called on the macro directly instead of using inline code. Neither approach worked.

VoiceAttack had it in less time than it took to write the original post. Bye.
Feb 4, 2021 (modified Feb 4, 2021)  • #4
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