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11 discussion posts
Just a few suggestions for VoiceBot:

1. You may want to amend the help file to indicate that you may use multiple voice commands for each macro. I just happened to try it out and noticed. It saves people from creating multiple macros for the same command.

2. Steam Cloud/Workshop support. I realize there is already an implementation for these via binary fortress, but perception of Steam support seems to be a golden ticket. Plus people being able to display their contributions on their profile is a draw. Perhaps just have a profile dropdown box to swap libraries, one for binary fortress and one for Steam.

3. Multimonitor support - shame on you, you guys MAKE DisplayFusion and I can't have Voicebot start on another screen? ;) I realize I can make a profile on DS for that, but I'm using Windows Management to do something else and I can't leave it active.

4. Support for enabling/disabling voice commands via voice. I read there is a global profile function coming and this would be useful. Being able to tell Voicebot to not listen while a cutscene is going on for instance, in case Voicebot interprets a cough, the cutscene or someone else saying something as a command.

5. XInput support. Some games won't let you use keyboard without selecting it in a menu first so being able to pass gamepad movements/buttons to the program would be great - e.g: Scorpion Finish Him

6. Set As Wallpaper will not work if you are using the portable version of DisplayFusion. Manually locating it would be handy.

7. A listing for scrips in the Macro Script Editor like you have in Display Fusion.

All I can think of for the moment.
Jun 5, 2015  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
1. Done! I've added some text to the help for this :)

2. We really wanted to do Steam Workshop support, but there are some technical limitations due to the fact that VoiceBot runs in the background all the time that prevents us from doing anything with the Steam API.

3. VoiceBot should always open on the screen it was last closed on. Is that not working on your system?

4. This was requested by another customer as well, and it's something we're planning to add after we implement the global macro stuff :)

5. I've put this on our list for further investigation. Not sure if it's possible, because VoiceBot would have to be able to simulate the XInput for a specific controller number, but we'll definitely look into it to see what we can find out.

6. I've put this on our list to fix up as well.

7. I've added this to our list too :)
Jun 6, 2015  • #2
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3. VoiceBot should always open on the screen it was last closed on. Is that not working on your system?

Found the reason; I use middle click via Display Fusion to switch screens and some programs won't register their location unless you move them manually. Once I used the mouse to move the window, it remembers just fine.
Jun 6, 2015  • #3
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Ok, interesting! Which version of Windows are you running? I just tested that here and it still remembers the window position for me.
Jun 6, 2015  • #4
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Windows 8.1 x64. Voicebot is not the only app that behaves this way, there are others that don't remember positions when I middle click the titlebar to transfer. It was my bad for not checking this before I sent the suggestions...
Jun 7, 2015 (modified Jun 7, 2015)  • #5
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Another suggestion that is kind of useless to those without a second monitor but would be fantastic for those that do:

When a game is detected, autoscroll the Macro/Command list up and down. Or even better, switch the window to a complete list of the commands (scrolling up/down if necessary). I have a hell of a time remembering everything with the more complicated games and it would just make things easier. Just make it a toggle for those who couldn't care...
Jun 8, 2015  • #6
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
So you want it to just scroll down, wait a few seconds, then scroll up, then back down, etc?
Jun 8, 2015  • #7
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Also, Set as Wallpaper should work with DisplayFusion portable now as well :)
Jun 9, 2015  • #8
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So you want it to just scroll down, wait a few seconds, then scroll up, then back down, etc?

That would be the cheapest solution coding wise and would definitely help. As I said, unless you have multiple monitors my suggestion is useless to you. I just look at the space in the interface spent on the log and think that could be shortened by 2/3 and used for something else.

I guess the problem for me (and others I'm sure) is you forget what all of the commands are and I'm looking for a way to remind myself. I suppose you could create a "help" macro yourself that would TTS the commands back to you but the playback would trigger everything unless you could disable recognition first. I know that's coming but TTS is still not always clear enough to understand.
Jun 10, 2015 (modified Jun 11, 2015)  • #9
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Another suggestion I forgot to mention that could be used in conjunction with my above comment is to be able to direct TTS to a certain audio device. Some people use a single headphone/mic for audio communications on top of their existing sound system, it would be nice to get feedback to a specific device when you wanted it. Perhaps the ability to lower master volume during TTS playback for clarity.
Jun 10, 2015 (modified Jun 10, 2015)  • #10
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Ok, thanks! I've put those items on our list for further consideration. I'll be sure to let you know if/when we're able to implement them :)
Jun 11, 2015  • #11
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I just got it yesterday and I'm having fun playing with it. First thing I tried was to do 'Street Fighter' style commands. The problem is for example the basic hadoken or fire ball motion isn't simply down, forward, and attack, but has intermediary steps that require multiple keys at the same time so it looks more like down, down-forward, forward-attack. I noticed the shift, ctrl, windows key, and alt buttons on the edit action menu. It'd be cool if there was like a drop down menu that let you assign custom modifier keys and you could make my masochistic dream of yelling at street fighter.
Jun 12, 2015  • #12
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
This should be possible. We'll do up an example profile for you :)
Jun 12, 2015  • #13
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2 discussion posts
That would be appreciated. Thank you!
Jun 13, 2015  • #14
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Just a quick update to let you know that VoiceBot 2.0 is now available, and in the Macro Script window, there's an option to download premade scripts. It's a bit empty at the moment, but we will add to it over time of course :)
Jul 13, 2015  • #15
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