7 discussion posts
Hi! Great app!
It would be great if VoiceBot had ability to only listen to the microphone when a certain keyboard key (or a combo of keys) is pressed and held down. When the key would be released, VoiceBot would stop listening. (like a walkie-talkie).
Jul 9, 2015 (modified Jul 9, 2015)

1 discussion post
I just bought voicebot and was wondering if this feature is available in the latest build?

1 discussion post
This is a much needed feature/addon! Since most of us are talking with friends/platoon mates while we play, on has to turn off voice bot as it is always listening. With a simple hot key to turn Voicebot's listening feature, Voicebot will only hear what we want it to hear!

7 discussion posts
and what must go with this feature is this:
when hotkey is pressed and held down, all the system sounds get muted.
when hotkey is released, all the system sounds get unmuted.
and also, by the way, it would be great if the hotkey could be just one keyboard key (e.g. pressing and holding Pause/Break key) OR a combination. (e.g. Ctrl+Shift+A). Having it as 1 key would save time and make it easy and enjoyable
Aug 5, 2015 (modified Aug 5, 2015)

2 discussion posts
Just purchased VoiceBot and am very pleased with the software so far.
Would it be possible to add a Push to Talk key option or a way to map that to a joystick / wheel. As without one the program will occasionally pick up a word as you are chatting in game and send a command.
EDIT: Just saw the post on page two requesting this feature. Sorry for the double post
This post was merged on Apr 18, 2016.
Apr 16, 2016 (modified Apr 16, 2016)

19 discussion posts
Just to throw my voice in, love this idea.
Especially if it is able to reduce CPU usage when not in use.

2 discussion posts
Wonder if it would be better to have a "push to Pause Voicebot" key instead.
Whatever your PTT / Button key is in game when this is pressed put Voicebot into pause mode and when it's released unpause.

8 discussion posts
Is there any chance we could also get support for picking up gamepad buttons? I have push-to-talk (in the applications) on two buttons on my steering wheel (one for each application - one for everyone in the iRacing session, and one for a Discord channel for team discussion), and would like it to ignore when either of those are pressed.