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9 discussion posts
Is there a way to create a "generic" profile that will respond to commands regardless what the active window is?
I'd like to issue commands like "Next Window" or "Previous Window" to cycle through the Alt-Tab list. Or "Close Window" to send Alt-F4 to a window. The list of actions could go on.
Jun 3, 2015  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
If the profile doesn't have a specific program listed in it, it should work regardless of what's focused. Please see the attached screenshot for reference.
• Attachment: 2015-06-03_15-58-00.jpg [110,296 bytes]
Jun 3, 2015  • #2
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9 discussion posts
may have to check this. I had it cleared, but voicebot didn't seem to take action. Kept telling me 'ignored: x window active' or something like that.
Jun 3, 2015  • #3
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Ok, interesting! If you can reproduce it again, could you send me a screenshot of the VoiceBot window showing the ignored messages?
Jun 3, 2015  • #4
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9 discussion posts
okay.. .can't seem to reproduce it now.
but it's still not work right either.

When the Profile is set manually to my "General" (Generic) profile and I speak my command, The command is recognized, but nothing happens (in this case a simple text to speech phrase). It is recognized by voicebot, just the TTS doesn't fire. If I edit the profile/marco and perform a test using the button provided, the TTS works just fine.
If I open Chrome, voicebot switches to the Chrome Profile (the one I downloaded from the repository). If I speak the same command above, voicebot doesn't recognize the command at all.
Unfortunately the visual log for voicebot doesn't show when the profile is switched (feature request maybe?) so it's hard to show you when what happens.

Retracting my previous statement about the visual log not showing the profile switches
• Attachment [protected]: Screenshot 2015-06-03 _ 21-0604 (BARRACUDA).png [309,798 bytes]
Jun 4, 2015 (modified Jun 4, 2015)  • #5
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Ah ok, that makes sense. If it switches to the Chrome profile, then it won't listen for commands that are in the other profile. We're planning to add a new feature that would allow for "Global" macros, so things like your "Launch Excel" macro would work, regardless of which profile is currently loaded. I'll be sure to let you know when that's available.

If you manually switch back to your other profile, then try your command again, does it work? Make sure that VoiceBot isn't the focused window, as it will ignore commands if it is :)
Jun 4, 2015  • #6
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
VoiceBot 2.0 is now available, and it now has a Global Macros tab in the Settings. There are some sample/default ones, and you can add your own as well. These macros will work, regardless of which profile is currently selected :)

Jul 13, 2015  • #7
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