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Powerburner's profile on

I'm using the Steam edition of voicebot. I noticed you published the 3.0 beta's now, but sadly, there's no beta tab in the Steam client for VoiceBot. Maybe you could add this, so Steam users can also choose the beta versions?

Also, I tried searching the discussions for the words "Beta" "beta" and "bèta", but the Google custom search delivered 0 results...

Another change that might be nice would be to separate the language from the profile and make a separate column for it. So instead of 1 column "A Virus called Tom (English international)" you'd get ->
Column 1: "A Virus called Tom"
Column 2: English international

And maybe even add language flags too?

Kind regards,

Apr 18, 2016 (modified Apr 18, 2016)  • #1
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2 discussion posts
So I am using the steam version as well and I think you CAN actually use the beta (try this go to the settings then the tab showed in the screenshot and there is a checkbox for the beta versions :) I hope this helps
Apr 18, 2016 (modified Apr 18, 2016)  • #2
Powerburner's profile on
I have found that as well, but thanks for your suggestion! :)
What I meant was something similar to this:
• Attachment [protected]: steam beta-tab.png [8,488 bytes]
Apr 18, 2016  • #3
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
VoiceBot can't currently use the Steam API, so we can't publish the beta versions through Steam directly. But, as @martiii1 mentioned, you can enable the beta update checks in the VoiceBot settings. Your Steam license will still be valid when updating to the beta version :)

Regarding the profiles list, those are a couple of good suggestions. I will add them to our list for review.

Apr 19, 2016  • #4
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