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EricClark's profile on
We need a little more documentation.

On Macros you have references, is there any way to get an import of an external DLL file such as for a program?

It would be great to be able to extend voicebot with some other libraries, and have a library section.

Voicebot could really take off if it was in the community for programming and automation.

So here is what I am asking.

Make a section dedicated to just programmers and having the ability to extend voicebot to work directly and hook into other applications.

Get a better IDE, or even allow the IDE for the macros to hook into other applications.

Allow users to share libraries that they have made, or interfaces etc etc.

With java applications you can basically hook into anything that is public and I believe it may be the same with certain other apps in C# or VB.
May 1, 2016  • #1
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
Hello! We're making lots of progress on our code editor, and the latest beta adds the ability to reference external .NET assemblies. You can find the new beta here:

You can find an example of how to reference an external .NET assembly here:

I hope this helps! :)
May 14, 2016  • #2
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