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VoiceBot Change Log

v3.2 • January 18, 2018

  • Notice: Now requires the .NET Framework 4.7.1 (installed automatically if needed)
  • Profiles are now synced instantly using realtime push syncing
  • New scripting function "IsMouseDown"
  • Warn about macros that can generate infinite loops
  • Duplicate exported profile file extensions
  • Improved support for multi-DPI setups

v3.1 • September 28, 2017

  • Add hotkey to start/pause VoiceBot
  • Add voice commands to start/pause VoiceBot
  • Added more audio control functions for macro scripts
  • Support universal apps in "Start Program" actions
  • Improved responsiveness for Push-to-Talk hotkeys
  • Major changes to support multi-DPI scaling in Windows 10
  • Update icons
  • Warn when a macro has a keypress action set to the same keys as the macro's hotkey
  • Allow alt-tab as a keypress action
  • Share button is disabled when no profiles are selected
  • Macro scripts now auto-complete for keyboard actions
  • List of downloadable macros is properly sorted
  • Only show startup message about missing audio device when VoiceBot is listening
  • Type text actions can now type ""
  • Adjusted recovery behaviour for when speech recognition hangs

v3.0 • August 8, 2016

  • New Action: Open File
  • New Action: Mouse Double Click
  • New Action: Toggle Key
  • Added Push to Talk/Push to Ignore HotKeys!
  • Added hotkeys for individual macros (including global macros)
  • New Text to Speech syntax: random sections can be defined with [option1|option2|option3] blocks, commas are no longer used as a random value separator (automatically updated)
  • Macro Scripts can now have access to VoiceBot Actions from within the script
  • New feature to create sets of similar numbered macros
  • Changed "Play Sound" action to allow for multiple sounds (chosen randomly)
  • Added ability to pass command line parameters using Start Program actions
  • Added ability for Type Text actions to have multiline values
  • Increased Type Text typing speed
  • Added description field for profiles
  • Added description field for macros
  • Updated sound file audio player (same player for both scripting and actions)
  • The Edit Macro window can now be expanded to show more actions
  • Moved many VoiceBot settings from "Options" to "Configuration" to reduce clutter
  • New setting: Start Paused
  • New setting: Run Command on VoiceBot Window
  • Updated global macros so they can be run when no profile is loaded
  • New Global Macro: Clear Log
  • New Global Macro: Current Profile
  • Added Text to Speech speed and volume settings
  • Added Text to Speech global default settings for voice, speed, and volume
  • Added Text to Speech option to ignore any commands heard during TTS
  • Added an "Our Apps" tab to the settings window with details about other great Binary Fortress apps (you can disable this tab in the Advanced Settings if you don't want it)
  • VoiceBot will now report an error if a profile fails to be imported
  • VoiceBot will now warn you if you create an infinite loop by chaining "Run Macro" actions
  • Prevent Macro Test feature from sometimes loading the wrong Speech Recognizer
  • Editing profiles with the same icon no longer results in temporary incorrect icons in profile list
  • BFS.Web.OpenURL works with Chrome Canary
  • Resolved a bug that could show extra "Profile Loaded" notifications when the current profile hasn't changed
  • Invalid profile hotkeys will now report an error when trying to save the profile
  • "Play Sound" action not playing audio when running a fullscreen application
  • Resolved a possible crash when system audio devices change
  • VoiceBot window should no longer appear briefly on startup when "Start in System Tray" is enabled
  • Run Macro action can now run global macros
  • Resolved issue with trailing commas not getting removed from command lists
  • Resolved the broken global macro "Shutdown"
  • Minor UI fixes

v2.0.2 • July 21, 2015

  • Added "Add Text" and "Add Raw Text" to the SendKeys builder for Macro Scripts
  • Sharing profiles with the community is now working correctly again
  • Creating a new Macro now selects the default group correctly
  • Resolved some minor UI issues

v2.0.1 • July 13, 2015

  • Resolved an issue that prevented the Global Macros from loading on some non-English UI cultures

v2.0 • July 13, 2015

  • Important: You need to update to version 2.0 to continue syncing with your Binary Fortress Account
  • Global Macros tab to manage macros that can be used regardless of the current profile
  • Default set of global macros included with installation (disabled by default)
  • New actions to change the computer's default audio devices
  • Unique global macro to stop all running macros
  • Text To Speech actions now support multiple phrases, chosen at random
  • VoiceBot will now warn you about duplicated macro commands before they cause a conflict
  • New mouse cursor position selector to simplify creating "Move Mouse" actions
  • Macro edit window now has copy button for actions
  • Macro scripts now support "key down" and "key up" functions
  • The macro script editor now has a button that allows you to download premade or example scripts
  • Fixed issue where constant background noise could cause slow responding UI or slow shutdown
  • Fixed issue where the VoiceBot audio device dropdown did not update properly
  • Issue where certain accented characters did not work in Text Type actions

v1.6 • June 9, 2015

  • Added buttons for importing/exporting Profiles for sharing/backups
  • Added the BFS.Speech namespace for the Macro Scripts
  • Resolved an issue that caused the UI to hang in noisy environments
  • Resolved an issue that caused deleted profiles to sometimes keep their hotkeys alive
  • Pro trial mode fixes

v1.5 • June 7, 2015

  • Resolved an issue that prevented keypresses from being sent on some 32-bit machines
  • Resolved some UI issues

v1.4 • June 5, 2015

  • Added the ability to add more voices for the "Text-to-Speech" action (in different languages too)
  • The "Play Sound" action now supports MP3 and OGG file formats
  • Resolved an issue that failed to save the Y value correctly for the "Move Mouse" action

v1.3 • June 4, 2015

  • Resolved an issue that prevented profile detection from working in some situations

v1.2 • June 2, 2015

  • Removed the "beta feedback" links from the main window
  • Resolved an issue that caused VoiceBot to sometimes think it was focused when it was minimized

v1.1 • May 29, 2015

  • New "paused" icon that is more noticeable
  • Automatic updater improvements
  • General performance improvements
  • Resolved some small issues with SendInput

v1.0 • May 19, 2015

  • First public release